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The Law Of the Land

I wrote this in response to the Jan. 6th insurrection

From one of the closing statements to the grand jury before he was fired during the Watergate trials, Archibald Cox quoted Sir Edward Cokes' reply to King James I, "The King ought not to be under any man, but he is under G-d and the law," and that is a statement that needs to become a re-offender.

The firing of Mr. Cox had caused the term "Saturday Night Massacre" to be of use after two people had resigned refusing to follow the president's orders to fire Cox. After Nixon was caught lying about what happened and the American people could see the reality, his downward spiral if not already bad enough had then become a burning plane with fireworks as cargo.

With Nixon's resignation and acceptance of a pardon from Ford in 1974, not only had the American people won that day but also the one-hundred-and ninety-eight-year experiment we know as the United States Constitution, sought to see another day.

Currently, it is obvious to over 80 million Americans that the constitution is on the butcher's block once more. In 1974 reality proved powerful enough to catch the butcher's hand as he held his cleaver above his head. With Trump's 74 million supporters, however, reality has not been strong enough to grasp the hand of the butcher and the knife has been set into a downward motion that is aiming towards the constitution and frankly democracy as we know it.

On January 20th our problems do not go away with the new year. Back in 2016 people were chanting "not my president" for the reason that an unqualified, egotistical, sociopath was chosen to lead the free world. These words were quite harmless during the protest and just used by Fox "News" and other right-leaning social works to support their narrative of the "everyday liberal" hating America and freedom. Now with the same ideology used again but this time from conservatives, Trump has lead a narrative, not that Biden is unqualified to be president, but rather that the entire system is faulty and he has won.

Trump has helped recognized a fault in our experiment of freedom. We are vulnerable and can crumble just as democracy's have before us.

Viewing Trump's actions, it is obvious that he does not believe that he is under G-d's judgment and he is above the law. I am not saying that he needs to be religious, rather I would prefer a person who does not have a religious bias to take office. But to make absurd claims that you are and having a man who is obsolete to any morals have people lead by his example and think they are righteous. He also believes by pardoning people who were found guilty to stay loyal to him and firing anyone or running vicious attacks against anyone who opposes him puts him above the law.

In the simplest terms if Trump does not get pardoned and lives to see another day, not in court or confined within the stone-cold walls of a jail cell after inspiration then it will lead to the possible damnation of the American people. A pardon accepts guilt, as ruled by the Supreme Court. But if there is no pardon and he is free then like a virus with a weak vaccine it will mutate and come back in a different, more deadly form.

This will only be a battle within a war that might last more than a generation. The next battle will be one of unity and understanding. We should try and go back to what we considered normalcy before Trump and Covid because that is what leads us to be put into this position. Instead, we should strive to make a better future where reality and unity hold more power than ignorance and hate.

Or are we too damned for even G-d to save us?


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